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Athletic Registration

NEW ATHLETIC REgistration process 

Athletic Registration link for 2024-25

Reminder:  Avoid delays before the first day of practice by getting all your information in ahead of time.

There are the steps necessary to register for a sport.  

  1. Current Sports Physical, signed and dated by the doctor, must be on file in the Athletic Office.  NOTE:  To participate the 2024-2025 school year, your physical date must be 4/1/2023 or after.  Physicals can be dropped off in the Athletic Office, faxed to 608.743.5196 or a copy emailed to the athletics secretary.
  2. Parents/Guardians must register their student for a sport using the online registration process.  TBD, Coming in July 2024.

For those inquiring about a Request for Waiver or Reduced Athletic Fee, please complete the form and return it to the Craig Athletic Office. Wondering if your physical is up-to-date in the system or if you have other questions, please contact:

Jolene Hess

Admin. Assist. to Athletics & Activities Director