ADA Compliant
August 2024
August 2024 Newsletter
CHS Mission
Online Registration happening now
- Log in to the IC Parent Portal: Infinite Campus
- Click "More" in the left-hand menu, then select "Online Registration"
- Use your existing login credentials (case-sensitive).
- For login issues, call Infinite Campus Registration Help Desk (608)743-5047 (8am-3:30PM, Mon-Fri)
- Parents may email for assistance.
- Review and verify/update all information for each student
- Beginning August 8, 2024, contact your child's school directly for password resets.
Senior Photo Submissions for Yearbook
2024-2025 Yearbook Information
Craig Registration Day on Wednesday, Aug 14
- Students are strongly encouraged to attend their assigned grade-level session.
- Parents are required to complete the SDJ Online Registration process before attending Craig's Onsite Registration Day on Wednesday, August 14, 2024.
- Date: Wednesday, August 14, 2024
- Who should attend: Only students need to attend to get their ID and yearbook picture taken, pick up their schedule, and pay fees in person if not paid online.
- Fall schedule, including locker and combination information
- School photo completion
- Pickup emergency contact card, which should be returned on Back to School Night (August 27) or during the first week of school.
- Textbooks
- First day of school schedule
Student Photo Information
- Lifetouch will be taking photos on August 14
- Information will be sent in a separate mailing from Lifetouch to each household
- Photo packages are ordered directly through the vendor. Parents can visit and use the following picture day ID to order. EVTSQ2BDD
Craig Orientation and Open House August 27
First Day of School Information
School Supplies
- Folders for core and elective classes
- A notebook
- A binder
- A planner
- Supply pouch with pens, pencils, highlighter, and sticky notes
- Backpack
- Scientific Calculator (TI-30XIIS is recommended)
- Tennis shoes for physical education class
- Reusable water bottle
School Mode
- Does your student have designated study space at home? Establishing a quiet, consistent study space can help students get into a positive habit of studying, reading, and homework completion during the school year.
- Has your student read anything over the summer? Encouraging your student to read something they like during the summer can help students retain and recall their reading skills at the beginning of the school year.
- When was the last time your student went to bed early? It is recommended that teenagers receive 8-10 hours of quality sleep per night. Helping your student to go to bed earlier at the end of summer will help them better adjust to the school-year schedule if they're not naturally an early riser.
Cell Phones & Technology
Final Exams
Attendance Matters
Parking Permit Purchases on August 8
- Parking permits will be sold on a "first come, first served" basis
- North Lot stalls are reserved for Seniors only
- Students will be assigned a specific, numbered stall in the assigned lot
- This stall is designated for their exclusive use for the entire year, or the duration of the permit
- Required information includes: First/last name, grade level, registered owner of vehicle, license plate number, make/model/color of vehicle, state of registration, copy of current vehicle registration, proof of current insurance, proof of driver's license
- 8:00am-10:00am Seniors ONLY/North lot and South lot permits will be available to underclassmen
- 10:00am-12:00pm Underclassmen(eligible Juniors & Sophomores) South lot permits available to underclassmen
- Due to limited supervision, Students should not arrived on campus before 7:00am on the date of sales. Any student arriving before 7:00am will be directed to leave campus.
Important to note: All past due fees and fines must be paid before a permit can be issued. This includes class and participation fees, textbooks, LMC fines, etc. Permits will not be issued if students have outstanding fees/fines/textbooks at the time of the sale.
- Students can select to purchase permits at a quarterly rate of $25.00 per quarter.
- Students can purchase semester permits at a rate of $50.00 per semester.
- Students can purchase a yearly permit for a rate of $100 per year.
Important note: Seniors are not guaranteed a spot in the North Lot because of limited stalls available.
Cougar Fest on August 16th
Athletic Registration Now Open
Information for Seniors from the Student Center
Upcoming Events
September 2024
September 2024 Newsletter
Be a Host Family!
Free and Reduced Lunch
Friendly Reminders from Officer Jauch
Homecoming 2024
Child Find Confidentiality English
Child Find Confidentiality Spanish
Upcoming Events
Who's Who?
Student Services
CHS Mission
October 2024
OCTOBER 2024 Newsletter
Parent Teacher Conferences
School Picture Retake Day
You can still be a host family!
Yearbook Reminders
Join and Support Craig PTO
Foward Test Scores
Friendly Reminders from Officer Jauch
Upcoming Events
Who's Who?
Student Services
CHS Mission
November 2024
For Translation of this newsletter into Spanish and other languages
Notes from our Banker
The ASVAB test will be administered at Craig High School on Tuesday, November 19th.
Host Family needed for a student from the Netherlands!
Yearbook Reminder
Friendly Reminders from Officer Jauch
Join and support Craig PTO (Parent-Teacher Group)
Click HERE to complete the form to become a member. Craig PTO’s Mission: Provide classroom resources for Craig students and teachers.
Craig's Fall Play
Craig High School Bowling Club Pampered Chef Fundraiser
Craig Cares
Upcoming Events:
Who's Who?
Student Services
December 2024
For Translation of this newsletter into Spanish and other languages
Tuesday, December 17, 2024: Mastery Prep Test:
Craig High School will be administering our winter Mastery Prep test on this day. The test helps students prepare for state-required standardized tests in spring, and helps students, families, and staff see student achievement, growth, and specific areas for targeted intervention. As a reminder, the test is required for all 9th, 10th & 11th grade students, runs from 8:00 AM until approximately 11:30 AM (unless your student has individual accommodations for extended testing), and students only need to bring their fully-charged Chromebook for the tests.
- Who: All 9th–11th grade students (12th graders have no school).
- When: 8:00 AM–11:30 AM (accommodations may extend testing).
- What to Bring: Fully-charged Chromebook.
- Dismissal: Students will be required to leave after testing. Students who receive extended time will remain until testing is completed.
- Lunch: Grab-and-go options available at dismissal.
- Transportation: Regular JTS bus schedules. There will be no special bus schedules. Students and families should plan accordingly for transportation after dismissal.
January Scheduling for 2025-26
Did you know…
- Craig students (in grades 9, 10, 11) have received practice subject selection sheets and have started to learn about elective options in advisory?
- Final subject selection forms will be distributed January 13 and need parent/guardian signatures and teacher approval for ALL choices?
- “The Purple Form”, or final subject selection sheet, is due Tue. 1/21 to their English class teacher?
- You can learn more at: Craig’s Academic & Career Plan page. Click on the “Department Course Videos/Slides” to watch any of the 16 brief videos and slideshows about classes, requirements and unique learning opportunities!
Class of 2025 - Senior Activities on December 17, 2024
Representatives from UW - Whitewater, UW - Rock County, and Blackhawk Technical College will be here to help with applications.
UW representative to help with FAFSA (Financial Aid).
School counselors will be here to assist with scholarships, UW Direct Admit questions, and resumes for those going into the workforce.
Questions? Visit the Student Center.
Janesville Craig Youth Gymnastics Camp, December 26 & 27
Proper stretching/warm ups
Body positions
All four events
Notes from our Banker:
Any outstanding fee in Infinite Campus needs to be paid. Please email or call Liz Murphy at (608) 743-5256 if you have specific questions.
Yearbook Reminder:
Yearbook sales and senior ads are ongoing. Purchase at Perhaps something to put on your holiday wishlist!
Friendly Reminders from Officer Jauch:
Lock up your bikes and your vehicles.
Drive safely using caution around the school zone.
Keep an ice scraper, boots and a blanket in your car as we roll into winter!
Come to a complete STOP at stop signs from the parking lot before turning onto S Randall Ave.
Join and Support Craig PTO (Parent-Teacher Group)
Click HERE to complete the form to become a member. Craig PTO’s Mission: Provide classroom resources for Craig students and teachers.
Show Choir Preview Night, January 9, 7pm, Large Auditorium
Come see the following groups perform: Edison Middle School Show Choir, Octave Above from Milton, Lexington Singers from Fort Atkinson, Choralation from Milton, South High Street from Fort Atkinson and Spotlighters from Craig High School. Seating begins at 6:45. Tickets available at:
Holiday Dress-Up Days: December 16-20, 2024
Tuesday (12/17): Winter Wonderland Whiteout
Wednesday (12/18): Ugly Sweater Day
Thursday (12/19): Xmas Character Day
Friday (12/20): Holiday PJ’s
Upcoming Events:
Who's Who?
Student Services
January 2025
For Translation of this newsletter into Spanish and other languages
Final Exams: Wednesday & Thursday, January 22 & 23
The first semester ends on Thursday, January 23rd, 2025. Students will not report to school on Friday, January 24. Craig students will follow a special schedule on Wednesday, January 22 and Thursday, January 23 to facilitate final exam administration. These exams allow students to demonstrate their learning through various formats, such as traditional tests, presentations, simulations, or other in-class activities.
Key Exam Information:
- Attendance: Students must attend all classes and exams, including study halls, where attendance will be taken.
- Punctuality: Late arrivals disrupt exams. Students arriving late will not be allowed to enter their exam classroom. Students arriving late will be supervised in the cafeteria until the next exam period. Students must take the exam during the make-up testing period.
- Classroom Etiquette: Students must remain in their classrooms for the entire exam period. Early departures are not permitted.
- Early Graduate Senior Exams: Early graduates are required to take exams.
- Make Up Exams: Students who miss an exam must arrange a make-up time with their teacher or attend the designated periods on Wednesday/Thursday from 2:25pm to 3:45pm on both days.
- Impact on Grades: Exams will account for 5-10% of the semester grade and cannot lower the grade by more than one letter grade.
- Lunch: Students may leave campus for lunch on exam days, or go to the cafeteria; 12:00pm-12:55pm. Students will not be allowed back into the building until 12:55pm. Dress appropriately for winter weather.
- Dismissal: Students will be dismissed at 2:15pm on Wednesday and Thursday, January 22 & 23. JTS bussing will be provided based on the early dismissal. The bus schedule will accommodate the exam schedule and adjusted daily schedule. Also, JTS buses will run at their usual times after school.
- Work-Based Learning: Students in work-based learning programs should leave campus during their scheduled release time.
- Accommodations: For special testing requests (e.g., early or late exams), contact your student's assigned administrator: Mr. Kane (A-K) or Mr. Gavin (L-Z). The AP Office can be reached by phone at 608-743-5262 or email at or
- Final Grades: Semester grades will be finalized by 5:00pm on Friday, January 24. Students and families can access the final semester grades via the IC Parent Portal.
Course Selection for 2025-2026
Final subject selection forms have been distributed and need parent/guardian signatures and teacher approval for all choices. The purple form for 2025-2026, or final subject selection sheet is due by Monday, January 27th to students' English class teachers. Every course must have approved signatures by a parent, the student and students' current teachers. You can learn more at: Craig’s Academic & Career Plan page. Click on the “Department Course Videos/Slides” to watch any of the 16 brief videos and slideshows about classes, requirements and unique learning opportunities!
Important Info for Athletics
Parents of Athletes: Please check Infinite Campus to ensure that all your sports fees for the school year have been paid.
Spring Registration Information:It’s time to start thinking about registering for the spring sports season! You must register through Infinite Campus and have a current physical on file prior to trying out. See Register Online for more information. A Current Sports Physical, signed and dated by the doctor, must also be on file in the Athletic Office. Your physical date must be 4/1/2023 or after to participate this school year. Physicals can be dropped off in the Athletic Office, faxed to 608.743.5196, or a copy emailed to
Click HERE for first practice dates and coaches information. Please contact Mrs. Hess in the Athletic and Activities Office at 608-743-5266 or your program head coach with questions.
Freshmen Parents/Guardians
Be sure to ask your students if they have an slips form our banker, Liz Murphy, that they received on Wednesday, Jan. 15th during Advisory. Check your Infinite Campus accounts. Any outstanding fee in Infinite Campus needs to be paid. Please call 608-743-5256 with questions.
Craig Athletic Team Supporters (CATS
CATS is a non-profit booster club that was created to support all Craig athletic sports teams. CATS strives to maintain high standards for CHS athletic programs and participants through moral, financial, and physical support. Join us in supporting CATS by ordering from Papa Murphy's from Sunday, January 12 - Saturday, January 18. Use the code: GIVE7 and 25 percent of online purchases will go to CATS at checkout. A great way to have a meal and support school athletics, too! The CATS board meets at Craig High School on the 3rd Wednesday of each month during the school year. If you are interested in learning more, you may visit their Facebook page or you may email CATS directly at: If you are interested in joining CATS, you can print off and fill out the CATS Membership Form. Please return the form to the athletic office at Craig High School and mark it to the attention of CATS Athletic Boosters.
Monday, January 20 is the national holiday to remember Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Learn more about Dr. King at the MLK Commemorative Breakfast in Beloit on Mon. 1/20. You can also visit to learn more about the teachings and impact of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Yearbook Reminder
Yearbook sales and senior ads are ongoing. Purchase at A yearbook is the gift that keeps on giving! A terrific idea for a graduation gift.
Student Parking
Students must purchase a parking permit in order to park in the student lots at Craig during the school day. Parking permits may be purchased through the AP Office.
The student must bring and show:
- Driver’s license
- proof of current insurance
- current registration for the vehicle (or a picture of the back license plate that shows the current stickers).
Students must park in their purchased, designated parking stall and are NOT permitted to park in the staff or visitor lots. Please contact Kelly Zastrow for more information at or 608-743-5262
Friendly Reminders from Officer Jauch
Upcoming Events
Who's Who?
Student Services